Libre has been supplying tungsten carbide circular blades to cigar industries in the world. And in the first quarter of 2022, Libre successfully made contact with a few cigar manufacturers in central America, taking about long-term cooperation on long-lasting carbide blades.
"Premium hand-rolled cigars are often associated with Caribbean origins, but Nicara-gua and Honduras certainly are changing that notion fast." according to Asia Tobacco Magazine.
Ask consumers in Asia about their favorite high-end, hand-rolled cigar origins and chances are quite high that Cuba and the Dominican Republic are mentioned right off the cuff. The situation is quite different in Europe and especially the United States, the latter being the world’s most important and largest premium cigar market. There, an amazing shift has occurred in recent years. While Cuban and Dominican Republic
cigars firmly retain high rankings on the desirability scale, an astonishing two thirds of all US imports are now comprised of Nicaraguan products. But then again, even some Asian countries such as China, Malaysia, and even Vietnam now show growing inter-est in Central American cigars in recent years. Things are definitely on the right track.
Libre's managing team has high expectations about the potentials of the central Amercia market and is looking forward to offering its technically mature cigar cutting circular blade to this hopeful land, lending a hand to the arising star of centra America premium cigar manufacturers.
Available sizes: 140x46x0.8mm 140x46x0.5mm, be it single bevel or double bevel
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